Sunday 18 September 2011

TO FINISH! - Music Video Remake - Britney Spears 'Hit Me Baby One More Time'

The purpose of the recreation of this music video is for us to have a better idea of the types of considerations are needed to make a music video. Below are some of the things I have thought about which will be needed when trying to create the video.

Equipment needed for music video:
Video Camera
Extra battery/Charger for the camera
School tables/chairs
Makeup: slightly dark eye makeup and red lipstick

Grey cardigan
White shirt
Pink/fluffy hairbands
Black Skirt
Black knee high socks
Black Shoes

Other considerations:
Setting: In school, class room and hallway
Yvonne-Britney Spears
May need some extra for the teacher, backing dancers and school students
Lyrics of the song to be learnt and lip-synced

[Verse 1]
Oh baby baby
How was I supposed to know
That something wasn't right here
Oh baby baby
I shouldn't have let you go
And now you're out of sight yeah
Show me how you want it to be
Tell me baby cause I need to know now oh because

My loneliness is killing me(And I)
I must confess I still believe
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

In order for the group to be able to work together smoothly, the storyboard that we produced was able to give us an idea of what to include in our own remake, such as settings, costume, props, actors and timings.

Before filming, each of us in our group analysed the music video 'Hit me baby one more time' so that we can have a better idea on what to do when shooting the remake.
Each of us in the group found a job to do before the day of shooting, for example 'Britney' (Yvonne) who had to act, prepared the costume for herself to wear that day and I went home and set up the story board and became fimiliar with the shots that had to be taken and what they included.
Our planning was extremely useful throughout this remake, such as making a list of possible locations to use, equipment needed, costume and actor rehearsing lyrics/choreography. This was a benefit as it saved time and enabled us to make it more professional looking than if we didn't plan.
At the beguinning of our filming, we found that it took a while to set up, such as setting up the camera settings and having the tripod set up. We found that what took up alot of time was trying to match up the angles, how close and what height the camera should be when shooting. Our shot list / images helped us alot with the process of how to position the camera and where we should film. However, we did find that alot of time was taken up by the group trying to decide how the camera should be positioned. The first scene we shot involved using artifical lighting equipment to highlight to actor (Yvonne) alot beter and to make the shot look more crisp and clear. We only used the lighting when we really needed to because we found it difficult carrying around the equipment to different locations and we didn't have very much time to take long on preparing the light set-up.
We found it difficult to have similar settings/layouts that are in the actual music video because our school didn't have hallways to successfully frame the actors dancing and we don't have the same We had to settle for what was available to us, as this was only a practice. Luckily, within the school, we were able to find some lockers to use as the background for 'Britney' lip synching and for the extra actors (where they look our from behind the lockers). We were pleased we were able to find some before shooting, because they looked effective and similar to whats in the video.

Talk about -
Problems occured
Lip synching
Talk about alot of quick cuts involved

How it has helped to think about what to consider for the final promotional campagin/video?
By carrying out this practise, it has definitely helped to think about the types of considerations need to be when making the final promotional music video, such as using lighting, charging the camera battery, what equipment is needed, preparing and planning.

What might be taken from this practise/video to be used for the final?
From this particular practise, I have learnt that lighting can make a huge difference on what looks professional and what doesn't. I have also noticed what can make a video look effective and convincing, such as costume, setting, good actors, choreography and lip-synching. What I found was key to making a successful video, is having enough time and planning effectively.

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